Besides, Ashley is likewise profoundly perceived as the spouse killer. The 48 hours program called “Dark Swan” has thought of her as wrongdoing, decision, and preliminaries in the new wrongdoing docuseries.

Have you watched the scenes? In November 2020, Ashley was blamed for homicide and was set to be taken to jail. The police charged second-degree murder and went through preliminaries.

Be that as it may, Ashley and expired Doug were having issues. They were squabbling about Eva’s guardianship, before Doug’s passing in September 2020, The Sun announced. She handed herself over following two months of examination.

A closer look at the relationship history and the crime scene may suggest a different story.

— 48 Hours (@48hours) September 8, 2021

Apparently, Ashley is out of prison, as she paid bond later after her capture. At present, she is living close to her mom and little girl in Florida.

Further, Ashley has not confessed at this point. She is asserting that she shot the firearm for self-preservation. In this way, Benefield is anticipating her preliminaries. Sources affirmed, she needs to wear a lower leg GPS arm band consistently.

Going to Ashley’s age, she is 29 years old in 2021, while her significant other was 59 when he died.

In any case, Ashley isn’t a VIP. However, her name is very realized around the world after she was blamed for Doug’s homicide last year.

Ashley confronted a second-degree murder accusation last year. Her decisions and trails subtleties are accessible on a few sensationalist newspapers. Likewise, a wrongdoing series, “The Black Swan” has covered for their entire life history and insider facts.

— OK! Magazine USA (@OKMagazine) November 11, 2020

Conversely, Ashley is blamed for killing her significant other, Doug. His little girl, Eva, was intellectually upset when her organic mother died because of an undiscovered heart disease. There was no connection among Eva and Ashley, CBS News uncovered.

Let us rewind how the people in love met. During the official mission, Ashley and Doug, initially met in August 2016, at an evening gathering, in Florida. Doug was 54, and Ashley was 24. There was an immense age hole between them. In case you are enamored, age doesn’t make any difference whatsoever. The equivalent happened to Doug. It was all consuming, instant adoration for him without a doubt.