What this hopefully means for fans is that a trailer is not far from our grasp.
The Michael Fassbender-led film will be set in the same universe as the games but will focus on a new pair of protagonists: Callum Lynch, and his 15th-century Spanish ancestor. It will be interesting to see how the movie will portray the Templar order in the future and the how they will hop back and forth between past and present. The inclusion of an animus could confuse the casual movie goer.
Assassin’s Creed fans will likely take to the theaters to see a mind-numbing action flick with assassins running this way and templars running that way. People will likely be disappointed with it as most game or book based movies never live up to their predecessors. The games have all the extra time to explain things, and leave it up to the player to edge on the story. It’s unclear how smoothly a film could go.
Of course, we’ll have to wait for a trailer before we can make any firm conclusions. The Assassin’s Creed movie is set for a holiday release on December 21st, 2016.