Although the pair is often at odds, when working together, the two seem to balance one another out. Jacob’s headstrong, straightforward fighting style is balanced by Evie’s more patient, tactful nature. While Jacob favors brass knuckles and the like, Evie utilizes hiddden weaponry such as throwing knives, a cane-sword, and a rope launcher. 

These concealed gadgets and her ability to blend into her environment make scaling buildings and quick getaways easy for Evie. Eagle Vision, a tool used to survey the land for potential threats, adds to the stealth element of this game. 

With her swift, quiet movements and her Chameleon power, which allows her to enter a stationary stealth-mode, Evie is able to sneak up on her enemies and slice her way through a crowd of Templar minions with ease.

Another element at the forefront of Syndicate is the inclusion of black box missions (choose your own mission). Players can either approach their target by interacting with people of interest (other characters, key holders, etc.) or by designing their own plan of attack.  

Certain story missions will require Evie or Jacob’s participation, but players will still have a choice on the missions they take.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is slated for release Ocotber 23, 2015 for the PS4.