Atari said its full library of 300 titles will be available on Anstream, plus “an exclusive and enhanced version of the Antstream app engineered specifically for the Atari VCS.” Atari wasn’t too specific about what makes this version enhanced, apart from access to the Atari library. However, all this is in addition to the 100+ games on the VCS itself.

When the Antstream VCS app launches, Atari said the goal is to have 50 Atari titles on it, with the others added sometime in the future.

Antstream attracted a good bit of attention when it was first announced earlier this year. The retro streaming platform provides access to thousands of licensed titles ranging from arcade games to N64 games — not quite like an N64 mini or reboot would, though — and it adds special online features like leaderboards.

The Atari VCS is one in a long line of retro console reboots, offering enhanced versions of old classics, plus a suite of other options to make it more than just a new Atari system. There’s still no firm release date for the VCS, but either way, it’s safe to say the console wars haven’t disappeared for good yet.

For more, be sure to head over to the official post from Atari.