The staff of the cinema attempted to free the casualty for more than 15 minutes prior to succeeding, they couldn’t get the catch that controlled the electronic ottoman working.

Vue Entertainment Ltd the organization which works Vue Cinema was accused of a $1020311.25 fine for the mishap and death toll and inability to survey the circumstance and penetrate of wellbeing and security measures.

The organization likewise paid the $176852.00 costs for the mishap.

Allow us to become familiar with Ateeq Rafiq and investigate how could he die at Vue Cinema.

Ateeq Rafiq was a British public who lost his life on March 16, 2018, after his head being squashed by Vue Cinema’s mechanized seat.

He was looking for his cell phone and vehicle keys under the seat after the film finished when the footstool began shutting.

The real reason for Ateeq’s demise was from hypoxic mind injury because of the hassock of the mechanized film seat smashing his head for more than 15 minutes.

He was articulated dead at Heartlands Hospital subsequent to getting treatment for seven days.

The specialists couldn’t save the existence of the youngster as his head endured injury past the mending capacities of clinical science.

Ateeq Rafiq’s age was only 24 years of age when he died in March 2018. He would have been 27 years of age as of July 2021 in case he was alive.

Nonetheless, much data about his real date of birth has not risen to the top yet.

Because of the absence of data about his real date of birth, his zodiac sign is likewise not accessible as of now.

Making expectations about his character dependent on his zodiac sign is additionally unrealistic as of now.

Ateeq Rafiq was joined by his significant other Ayesha Sardar when the mishap happened at the theater.

The couple had headed out to watch a film and were situated on C5 and C6 seats at the gold class at screen 17.

Rafiq was situated at seat number C5 and Sadar was situated at C6.

Discussing Ateeq Rafiq’s family, they were crushed to gain proficiency with the report about his passing and mishap.

— ITV News Central (@ITVCentral) July 20, 2021

He imparted one kid to his significant other however the name of his kid has not risen to the top yet.

Essentially, his folks’ name is likewise in the shadow as of now but then to go to the spotlight alongside the data about his other relatives.

Ateeq Rafiq’s Facebook profile has not been found at this point.

Notwithstanding, the report about the mishap and his demise was coursed on the web-based media stage.

Individuals on Facebook expounded on his passing and different sympathy message were additionally coursed.