He has two little girls in his family; one is Ava Katherine Zane.


Ava Katherine Zane is the girl of Billy Zane, a notable American entertainer. She is a charming young lady who additionally turned out to be the star of Janie and Jack’s new spring effort, close by a couple of other classy children.

Ava will be emulating her folks’ example later on. Maybe her dad and mom are helping her the proper behavior. The two of them give off an impression of being empowering their youngster to turn into a top model or entertainer in Hollywood one day.

Luckily, she is getting various gifts from her folks to seek after a vocation in the entertainment world. She as of late took part in a photoshoot for Janie and Jack’s image, and she desires to utilize this experience to seek after a profession in demonstrating.

Ava is ten years of age and born in 2011 and is her folks’ first kid.

Her folks are top-level American VIPs endeavoring to show her the way they are still on. On the off chance that she decides to emulate her parent’s example, she will have a splendid future in the demonstrating line. They can furnish her with unflinching help in the endeavors to change their little girl from a normal adolescent into a whiz and a face of Hollywood one day.

She had as of now finished a photoshoot for Janie and Jack, an American retailer work in youngsters’ clothing. Maybe she will keep on advancing thusly and turn into a top genius one day.

Ava was born in the United States, and she is presently American.

Then again, Ava’s grandparents are Greek (from Chios through her grandma and Mani through his granddad), and her family’s unique last name, “Zanetakos,” was transcribed to “Zane” by her grandparents.

They additionally brought her dad up in the Greek Orthodox confidence. Accordingly, her local nationality is Greek.

Billy Zane and Candice Neil are Ava’s folks. The two of them have acting and demonstrating experience.

Billy, her dad, is a renowned Hollywood entertainer most popular for his job as the reprobate Caldone Hockley in the 1997 film Titanic. Then again, Candice, her mom, is a Los Angeles-based American model. She is as of now busy with her obligations as a mother.