The first part of the Pokemon Masters EX event centers around fighting Kyogre and Groudon to stop abnormal weather from devastating Pasio, but you’ll need weather tickets to start the battles.
Winning these battles earns you five-star power-ups and co op sync orbs, and you’ll also get a Team Magma or Team Aqua badge depending on which legendary you defeat the most times. Even if you don’t want the badge, it’s worth fighting Groudon and Kyogre in Pokemon Masters EX anyway. Sometime during the event, DeNA will release five-star power-ups and move candies depending on how many battles you’ve engaged in.
That’s just part one of the new Pokemon Masters EX event. Part two involves recruiting Nessa and Dreadnaw plus Bea and Sirfetch’d to your teams. Both Pokemon have special moves, including Wash Away for Dreadnaw, that make the most of their unique skills, and the pairs will be available to scout until May 28 at 10:59 p.m. PDT.
Finally is the Solo Event with Nessa and Bea, available until the same time as well. If you’ve completed Chapter 1, you can take part in a series of events starring Nessa, Bea, Misty, and Maylene and earn vouchers to trade for Scout Tickets, among other items.